In Washington, lame duck President Buchanan refuses to acknowledge officially a letter from the South Carolina commissioners. This letter concerns the disturbing decision of Major Anderson to move his Federal garrison to Fort Sumter and mount guns on the city.The letter prompts Buchanan’s Cabinet to recommend that Fort Sumter be reinforced./1861
Immediately the USS Brooklyn is readied at Norfolk, Virginia, despite General Winfield Scott’s plea that a non-military naval vessel be sent to Fort Sumter so that it might not be received by the South Carolinians as an act of war but rather a humanitarian mission/1861
As fear and tensions continue to heighten, military defense of the District of Columbia is assigned to US Colonel Charles Stone/1861
[SC SECESSION CONVENTION] In Charleston, the Convention appoints a Committee of Three to design an "Ensign of the State of South Carolina,"/1861
South Carolina forces seize the inactive Fort Johnson in Charleston Harbor/1861
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