Thursday, April 21, 2011

Upper South in turmoil

Professor Thomas J. Jackson, VMI
  • Pro-secessionist riots continue in Baltimore, Maryland as President Lincoln meets at the White House with Baltimore Mayor Brown and General Winfield Scott to find ways to stop the violence./1861
  • Colonel Thomas J. Jackson, professor at the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Virginia, attends chapel with the cadets this Sunday morning, then summons stagecoaches in the afternoon to the train station where he will lead nearly the entire school to travel to Richmond to enlist to defend Virginia, the Confederacy, and their homes./1861
  • In Wheeling, western Virginia, Monongahela County hosts Pro-Union delegates from the northwestern countries of Virginia in the Virginia Union Convention to pass resolutions against secession and elect a provisional government that in 1863 will become the new state of West Virginia. Senator Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, is mobbed and treated rudely by a large crowd at Lynchburg, Virginia, as he passed through on his way from Washington to Tennessee. The Richmond Dispatch reported, “A large crowd assembled and groaned him, and offered every indignity he deserved, including pulling his nose.”  The conductor and others intervene, and Johnson is eventually able to continue on his way.”/1861 
  • Robert Breckinridge supported Abraham Lincoln ...Image via Wikipedia
    J.C. Breckenridge
  • Kentucky Senator John C. Breckinridge (and former US Vice President and future Confederate general and Confederate Secretary of War) rightly denounces Lincoln’s proclamation calling for troops as illegal and unconstitutional unless Congress approves a declaration of hostilities./1861
  • Louisiana Governor Moore asks the citizens of his state for 5,000 more infantry volunteers./1861
  • Colonel Earl Van Dorn assumes command of Confederate forces in Texas./1861
  • The Lincoln Administration, in a move to secure Washington, assumes government control of the Philadelphia and Baltimore Railroad. Manufacturers of Sharp’s rifles and Colt revolvers announce they will halt sales to the Southern states./1861
  • North Carolina militia seizes the United States mint at Charlotte, N. C./1861

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