Monday, July 11, 2011

Confederates routed at Rich Mountain

Maj. Gen. William Rosecrans, USAImage via Wikipedia
William Rosecrans
  • John PegramImage via Wikipedia
    John Pegram
    Union troops under General George B. McClellan score another major victory in western Virginia at the Battle of Rich Mountain. Confederate General Robert Garnett and Colonel John Pegram have positioned their forces at Rich Mountain and Laurel Hill to block two key roads and keep McClellan from penetrating any further east. McClellan has planned a feint against Garnett at Laurel Hill while sending the bulk of his force against Pegram at Rich Mountain. In an area of western Virginia with many Union sympathizers, Gen. William S. Rosecrans with 2000 Federal troops is guided on a less-traveled, rugged mountain path to completely surprise the left wing of Lieutenant Colonel John Pegram’s Confederate troops at Rich Mountain. McClellan has promised to attack the Confederate front when he hears gunfire from Rosecrans's direction. After a difficult march through a drenching rain, Rosecrans strikes Pegram’s left wing. After several attempts, he finally drives the Confederates from their position. McClellan shells the Confederates but does not assault them as expected. Each side suffers around 70 casualties. Pegram is forced to abandon his position, but Rosecrans blocks his escape route, forcing Pegram to surrender 560 men and opens the road to Beverly, western Virginia. McClellan gets the credit for Rosecrans’ hard work and becomes a Union hero. McClellan is on his way to becoming the commander of the Army of the Potomac. Meanwhile Gen. T.A. Morris forces Gen. Robert S. Garnett to evacuate Laurel Hill, western Virginia. Union losses are 12 killed, 49 wounded. Confederate losses are unknown./1861
  • Confederate Congress appropriates $172,523 for the reconstruction of Merrimack into an ironclad. Secretary of the Navy Stephen F. Mallory orders flag Officer French Forrest to begin the transformation of the Merrimack into an ironclad./1861
    Battle of Rich MountainImage via Wikipedia
    Battle of Rich Mountain
  • In Washington, the United States Senate formally expels the following members of that body: J. M. Mason and R. M. T. Hunter of Virginia; T. L. Clingman and Thomas Bragg of North Carolina; Louis T. Wigfall and J. U. Hemphill of Texas; C. B. Mitchell and W. K. Sebastian of Arkansas, and A. O. F. Nicholson of Tennessee./1861

1 comment:

  1. Warfare is a fascinating subject. Despite the dubious morality of using violence to achieve personal or political aims. It remains that conflict has been used to do just that throughout recorded history.

    Your article is very well done, a good read.
